We live in an age of information overload, where the internet is typically the go-to for healthy lifestyle tips, medical condition diagnosis and management. I am here to explain why a Dietitian, who spends 4+ years at university, can provide nutrition guidance to improve your sleep, mood, energy levels AND help manage a whole range of chronic health issues.
A Dietitian could also be called a ‘Food Doctor’ because we are so obsessed with nourishing, delicious food and experts in teaching simple, cheap and tasty tricks to maximise your health.
On a budget? Looking to save some money for a holiday or buy a home? A Dietitian can help work with you to create affordable food habits or teach you cost effective meal ideas.
What you eat, can play a huge part in your mental health. A Dietitian can help you establish sustainable eating routines that not only minimise weight gain and maximise your mood but help improve your gut microbiome, which has been correlated with depression and mood disorders.
Do you exercise? A Dietitian can help you maximise the outcomes from physical activity and ensure your body has the right kind of energy to improve endurance and muscle growth.
Hormone imbalances resulting from health conditions or stages of life can be daunting and leave you feeling out of control. A Dietitian can use scientifically supported methods to help reduce the symptoms and effects, to assist you getting knowledge and control back.
Inadequate or restless sleep can result in various health impacts like weight gain and depression but also negative outcomes to relationships, family and work life. A Dietitian can review, assess and guide eating patterns to improve sleep quality and routine.
If you are experiencing gastrointestinal symptoms which could be related to the food you eat, like itchy skin, swelling of your face or eyes, abdominal pain or bloating, excessive wind, reflux, cramps, diarrhoea or constipation a Dietitian can help identify the cause, then use evidenced based methods for management. This doesn’t necessarily mean lifelong avoidance of foods either or the need for supplements.
Often, we ignore ongoing tiredness or lethargy, however a Dietitian can work with your GP to identify if it is a dietary related issue or a secondary cause. From here a Dietitian will work with you to maximise your nutrition intake to help resolve the issue.
An obvious but very important skill of a Dietitian is to review your diet, with ZERO judgement and provide positive feedback on what nutritionally may be inadequate, for instance, calcium intake which is imperative for good bone density, especially for women 50 + years old. Also, a Dietitian can help maximise your diet during certain life stages, like pregnancy or menopause.
A Dietitian is trained to use nutrition therapy (evidence based guidelines) for all sorts of chronic health conditions, for example; Diabetes, Gout, Coeliac Disease, Hypertension, Hyperlipidaemia, PCOS, Endometriosis, Diverticulitis, GORD, IBS (FODAMP), Liver Disease, Renal Disease and Osteoporosis/penia.
So, there you have it, if any of the items listed above resonated with you, get in touch with a registered Dietitian today, because we are genuinely passionate about helping you feel better :)
Yours truly,
Lauren Rubin
The Noosa Dietitian
(P) 0435 758 482
(E) info@thenoosadietitian.com.au
(w) www.thenoosadietitian.com.au
(A) 1/26 Rene St, Noosaville